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Electric vehicles: the future we made and the problem of …
The uptake of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), subject to bottlenecks, seems to have reached a tipping point in the UK and this mirrors a general trend globally. BEVs are being positioned as one significant strand in the web of policy intended to translate the good intentions of Article 2 of the Conference of the Parties 21 Paris Agreement ...
A perspective on equity in the transition to electric vehicles
We investigate the issue of equity in the PEV market by focusing on electric vehicle buyers, model availability and price, incentives, and infrastructure. Our choice to focus on these topics is because some literature exists on them, and because they are relevant to equity as we outline in the following sentences.
What Are The Consumer and Societal Reactions Towards Electric Vehicles ...
What do people talk about when they talk about Electric Vehicles? Societal Change vs. Consumer Preference. One way to look at this topic and the data behind it is to try and understand the perceived societal impact of electric vehicle growth, from environmental benefit to investments in infrastructure.
The transition to electric vehicles and a net zero economy: A …
A potential contribution to reduce GHG emissions and move to a net zero economy is represented by electric vehicles (EV) which can deliver a more sustainable transportation system (Kim et al., 2021; Bonsu, 2020; Chu et al., 2017; Marcos et al., 2021). However, to meet the resource challenges – i.e., raw material – created by EV, a suitable ...
Electric vehicles (EV) and sustainability: Consumer response to …
This study showcases electric vehicles as digital innovations that can help advance the sustainability agenda effectively. • Findings reveal how electric vehicles are perceived in the green light, both positively and negatively. • Study suggests how different stakeholders can promote EV as digitally innovative solution for sustainability ...
The Practical Path to America''s Electric Vehicle Transition
America''s pattern of land use development was built on personal transit, and we cannot meet our emission reduction responsibilities without electric vehicles powered by renewable energy. This will require federal subsidies for electric vehicles (EVs), at least until their sale price is lower than vehicles with internal combustion engines.
What Will It Take to Transition to Electric Cars? | Yale Insights
You don''t necessarily have to have electric vehicles to have autonomous vehicles or connected vehicles. But new technologies can lead automakers and regulators to think about the world outside the box that we''ve been living in for a long time, in a way that could help us reimagine transportation more broadly.
A perspective on equity in the transition to electric vehicles
We investigate the issue of equity in the PEV market by focusing on electric vehicle buyers, model availability and price, incentives, and infrastructure. Our choice to focus on these topics is because some literature exists on them, and because they are relevant to equity …
Electric Vehicles: An Economic and Environmental Win for …
A new World Bank report makes a strong economic case for wider adoption of electric vehicles in developing countries, with advantages that range from improved public health, to less urban traffic congestion, to a decrease in dependence on expensive imported fossil fuels.
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